
Insurance to meet the professional selling plan requirements & to protect you from suspension & lost or damaged packages.


eBay Insurance

Just like any other traditional retail or brick and mortar business, your eBay store is subject to the same laws, legal liabilities and regulations. This means that you need eBay insurance to protect your online business from any unforeseen circumstances.

As an online retailer or eBay seller, your public liability is low as most of your interaction with customers is conducted online. However, product liability is a very critical part of an online retail business which means you need to be covered with a product liability insurance policy.

You need to be completely aware that if you are not insured, you are putting your business at risk. All it takes is one claim against a small business to potentially put you out of business. Connecting with Online Sellers Insurance who will outline what coverage you need for your unique business will ensure you have peace of mind knowing you are covered.

Online Sellers Insurance tailor insurance covers to meet the needs of your eBay store. To get eBay insurance, schedule an appointment with us today.

eBay Seller Insurance

When you sell items online, it is your business that could be held responsible for any injury or damage that is caused due to the products you sell. No matter what type of items you are selling online whether it is electronics, clothing, cosmetics, jewellery or health supplements, you will be held responsible. This is why it is extremely important to cover your business with eBay seller insurance. Online Sellers Insurance tailor each policy to cover your business exactly how it needs to be.

eBay Shipping Insurance

Having the right eBay shipping insurance offers peace of mind so that you know you are fully covered in the unlikely event of a product being damaged or lost while being delivered to a buyer. Subject to certain packing exclusions, the eBay shipping and cargo insurance policy will pay regardless of which carrier is responsible for damaged or lost products.

eBay & Online Sellers Insurance

As online retailers ourselves, we understand the risks and challenges for eBay sellers which is why we created Online Sellers Insurance. Our eBay insurance extends worldwide which means we cover all international eBay stores including the USA.

 If you want to ensure that your business is protected then make sure you get a quick and easy quote from us today. Our friendly team will work to understand all your unique business needs and provide you with a cover tailored specifically for your business.


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What our clients say about Online Sellers Insurance