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Amazon’s New Ad Push Will Stretch From Twitch to its Packaging | Online Sellers Insurance

Article shared from Engadget. Written by Richard Lawler, Senior New Editor. Amazon’s New Ad Push Will Stretch From Twitch to its Packaging For months there has been discussion about Amazon expanding its focus on internet advertising, whether it’s through ad-supported video streaming, changes to Twitch or potentially on Alexa-connected smart devices. Now a New York Times article tracks analysts who are seeing […]

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amazon delivery fleet online sellers insurance amazing prime

Amazon Nearly Has Its Own Delivery Fleet

We all know that Amazon packages don’t just deliver themselves – well not yet, anyway. In July of this year, Amazon made an announcement, saying that it would be recruiting people interested in starting their own delivery business. These delivery companies would work for Amazon, moving packages from fulfilment centres to the doorsteps of customers. […]

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